Monday, June 1, 2009

An English Gentleman

A few days ago something strange happened to me. I noticed someone had written a blog post about me and this completely took my breath away. It was unnecessary, but having said that I have to admit that I was delighted. Life can be strange as I do not even know this person and have no first hand experience of him. However I first came into contact with him at the Squidoo forum. Not only is he intelligent, erudite and many things besides, it was his sense of humour which got to me and this underlies most of his work. Because it appealed to me, I immediately clicked on his avatar to be able to see some of his work and I was not disappointed, in fact I was enthralled. From here a slow but sure friendship developed, albeit only through modern media and the internet in particular. He's clever, he's erudite, but I think he cannot suffer fools gladly and besides that I think he loves to throw in a bit of controversy, just to liven things up a bit. This often gets him into trouble, but it's what makes me personally laugh. In my experience, he has never done this to demean anybody, but it gets things going and then somebody says something to which he retaliates and of course takes the blame. That's why I like to call him An English Gentleman.

Believe you me I have led a topsy turvy life and have seen both the best and worst of human nature. One of the strongest tenets I have come across through all this is, " to have a friend, first you must be a friend." It stands to reason therefore, that what this gentleman did for me with his blog post is a perfectly obvious example of this tenet.

As an English gentleman he is widely travelled and he writes beautiful and compelling articles about all this. Earlier I said he had a gift and his gift is with words but never underestimate the underlying humour. You don't believe me? Then if you want to think a bit, laugh a bit and sometimes have the blues a bit. I suggest you type in Bardiness to your browser and go have a look at his blog. Finally thank you for being a friend.


  1. The honour is all mine Kevin. Thanks for a wonderful and most appreciated post.

  2. No the honour is mine. You deserved it as is so amply seen on Squids gone wild.
