Friday, July 24, 2009

In the defence of the Eel

For the last year and a half I have fallen on hard times. I lost my job and because of the recession, my age, my disability, it became almost impossible to find work. So being some what at a loose end I began playing around with the computer to pass the time and give me something to do apart from the housework.

Somewhere in amongst all this I came across a site called Squidoo owned by a world renown author and computer marketing expert and I started writing short stories about some of my life experiences.

It's a wonderful, sharing, helpful community and in the process have made many friends, albeit only online. One of these people has been unfailingly kind and helpful to many people here. By all accounts she has not had the easiest of lives and has personal problems, not least being an inability to talk to people. Now I am not exactly sure about this but I think she has what is known as Aspergers Syndrome.

Be that as it may, she writes beautifully and is very talented, her pseudonym here is Eelkat. Apart from having her home burnt down and living in a tent, recently she penned a story about this. This has fallen foul of her leaders in her church who are harassing her and threatening excommunication.

That such things can happen today in a first world country and to a lovely, vulnerable girl, is quite beyond my capacity to understand. So this is just a small post for you and to let people know, that you have more friends than perhaps they realise and they had better thread warily.

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