Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Manners Maketh Man

I grew up constantly hearing this from parents, teachers and sometimes slyly by some of my mates sarcastically trying to be cool in their teenage years. I guess being a rebel as a teenager is part and parcel of growing up?

Funnily enough this was in the sixties and it is well known that those were the really rebellious years and long held beliefs were being constantly challenged and hedonism and promiscuity were gaining increasing popularity.

Despite this, where I was growing up anyway, good manners were still a constant and discipline at home and in the schools was strict. By today's standards, it would be regarded as criminal what we were subjected to.

Perhaps that is where the difference lies? I look around me today and I shudder at the level to which 'good manners 'have disintegrated and I think it is high time society started paying more attention to this.

It's easy to do, instead of letting everybody get away with it, stand up and say something. People at tills can not greet you or give you the time of day or smile. Say something. It's not just there it's everywhere. Say something.

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